Laser Therapy
Dr. Lloyd is one of the few chiropractors in the region who offers Low Intensity Laser Therapy. The main therapeutic effect of these lasers is to stimulate the repair and healing process of an injury or wound.
What is Low Intensity Laser Therapy? Laser Therapy utilizes low level lasers to alter light giving it the power to penetrate skin and drive healing energy into the tissues. The main therapeutic effect of these lasers is to stimulate the repair and healing process of an injury or wound. It has also demonstrated the ability to significantly accelerate and enhance the body's natural defenses. What Does Laser Therapy Feel Like? Most people feel nothing at all during the treatment, while some may feel a slight tingling. Low power lasers do not generate perceivable heat. Therefore, when the laser contacts the skin, the patient experiences no warmth or burning as a result of the laser. For this reason, they are sometimes called "cold" lasers. When Should I Feel Results? The main healing effect of laser therapy is usually noticed hours after each treatment and can continue for days. Also, Laser Therapy is cumulative which means that each visit builds upon the one before. Is it Safe? Laser therapy is safe and painless. How Long Does it Take? Treatments may last from 30 minutes up to an hour depending on the condition. The total number of treatments required is usually 8-15. While some patients get some immediate results, others usually require several treatments before there is a noticeable effect. Side effects? Occasionally patients will feel a little worse in the earliest stages before they start to feel better. This is mostly true of very chronic, severe conditions. Are the Results Long Lasting? Laser Therapy is about healing. It's not about masking or covering up a condition. When you feel better from this therapy, it is because you are better. Therefore, results have been found to be quite long lasting. Naturally, you are expected to help in your healing process so that you don't undo the work that's being done on you. Call today to book an appointment to see if Laser Therapy can work for you! |